Some opine that eating more in winter is a biological need while others say that it’s more of a psychological behaviour. Whatever be the reason, the fact cannot be denied that people, especially children do gain some weight during winter, probably because of excessive eating. This article highlights the reason behind the subject.
Why do we eat more in winter? Most parents or people who or whose children generally eat more during this period are mesmerised by this question. So why does this happens? Is it because of the cold weather or does it has anything to do with the holiday season during this period, where the availability of sumptuous food is on rise? In fact, if you go deep, you’d find that there’s no clear cut reason behind your craving for more food during winter. However, there are some facts that knowing them would probably give a satisfactory answer for this very tricky question.
Most parents fear for a suitable nutrition for children when they see them eating more than their ability during winter. Eating more would not necessarily provide them with appropriate nutrition and could lead them consuming more fats and carbs. However, many experts related to this profession opine that its Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD that leads to excessive consumption during winter. Here, the body tends to fuel up through eating excessive food so that it can bear extreme cold temperature. It has also been founded that eating high calorie or high fat foods during these times give a better feeling to the eaters. It’s advised that you eat more of protein in case you crave for excess food and you are in a dilemma as what to eat. For example, eating more of salmon can help you feel full for long hours as it has more protein in it.
Weather plays a Pivotal Role
Weather could play a pivotal role in one’s temptation to eat heavy or filling stuff. Also, eating root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, squashes can be because it’s available at that specific period of time and in abundance. While one can find such foods throughout the year, this could be the result of some earlier habits that cropped up due to climatic role. Thus this results into the consumption of such vegetables in winter and other leafy vegetables in summer.
The propensity to overeat during winter could come down to basic biology. Expert child nutritionists feel that food intake patterns of children do differ season to season and they consume an average of 90 more calories per day during winter as compared to other seasons. Also, during other seasons they eat the highest amount of fat and saturated fat with physical activity being less during winter.
Further, experts also say that this mannerism of eating is not only about biology but a more of psychological side is involved. During winter, especially if you are on a holiday you tend to relax and in food you find great relaxation. Eating more in winter can also be a result of the amount of festive occasions during the time. Most of the festivals in India are during winter when people tend to prepare festive food and in the process eat more as a part of celebration.Eating more during winter can be a fuelling action or just a psychological behaviour. Whatever might be the reason behind it, you need to know the ways to control your craving. Remember, discipline is the key.
Glycemic Index in weight loss programs – An overview
The food that we eat or drink provides fuel to the body. The nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food are used to provide the body with the necessary energy that it needs. Energy can be used right away by the body to provide energy or stored to be used later. However, from the three nutrients mentioned above, carbohydrates are the main providers of energy to the body.Fuel Up Your Workout
Appropriate nutrition helps our body perform better and recover faster after a workout. Good nutrition not only helps in maximizing the performance but also minimizes the muscle damage.A Silent Killer - Inflammation
Inflammation is the body’s way of naturally protecting itself against harm. However, when inflammation stays for long the immune system is drained and the body finds it difficult to deal with illnesses. Researchers have also found that obesity can weaken the immune system and reduce its ability to fight infections. So, getting into a weight loss program and losing weight will help fight inflammation.