Instrument Drum Microphones are one of the powerful microphones in the audio industry.
Responding to the sound of drum requires special kind of microphones. Considering the need of drum sound responding Instrument Drum Microphones are designed. For instruments special kinds of microphones are required, ordinary microphones are useless in this case. Instrument Drum Microphones have special designed to meet the requirements of the recording of drum sound and responding to its high frequency level.
As a musical instrument, drum produces very strong and loud sound which does not match with other kinds of musical instruments. It is not possible for all instrument microphones to match the frequency level of drum sound frequency because drums can produce very high sound pressure levels. If the microphones cannot maintain the high sound pressure, produced by the drum set, these microphones cannot respond or capture the drum sound perfectly. So you cannot use any instrument microphones in case of drum set. In this case, Instrument Drum Microphones are especially designed to match with the high sound pressure levels which the drum set produce.
As we all know, drum is not a single musical instrument rather it is a group of different musical instruments, such as Kick or Drums, Snare drum, Toms, Cymbals and Percussion. Separately, these instruments produce separate sound. The texture, frequency and sound pressure levels of these individual instruments do not match with each other. As a result a single type of drum microphone cannot serve the requirements of drum recording or these cannot respond to its variable sound levels. If you minutely observe the sound of these instruments you will find that each instrument sounds differently.
Instrument Drum Microphones are available in the form of microphone kit. In the Instrument Drum Microphones kit, you will get particular microphones for each of the drum set. These drum microphones come in a set of 5 or even a set of 8-10 drum microphones. Actually the number of the microphones totally depends on how you want to capture the sound of drum by the microphones. The microphones are placed in different location so that these can response to the sound of every individual drum instrument perfectly. Instrument Drum Microphones are available in both form; dynamic drum microphones and condenser drum microphones. These both types of drum microphones are outstanding in the performance and you can go for any of the two drum microphones.
You have to keep an eye on the setting of these Instrument Drum Microphones because the setting of the microphones is a very important issue here. Be sure that you set the fight drum microphone in its right place. The microphones which are for kick has to set with the kicks, if you place it otherwise it will not work as it is supposed to. Each microphone has its power of responding to a fixed frequency level and these can’t work well besides the level. So, these have to be set in right place for getting better performance out of these microphones.
Thus, Instrument Drum Microphones come in a complete package. By working individually these microphones capture the harmonious drum sound as a single unit. Each of these Instrument Drum Microphones in the kit has particular characteristics and you will get superb audio signal from these drum microphones if you apply you wisdom while choosing the Instrument Drum Microphones for your studio or live sound performance.
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