Are you recruiting the wrong type of people into your network marketing business? There is a way to avoid that! Read on!
Another mlm distributor falls through the cracks of failure again, and it was the sixth one this month! Last month it was three, and the month before that it was four. And the three I recruited last month are shaky and thinking about quitting!
What in the world is going on?
Ever happened to you?
Man, when I first got in this network marketing business, I had that happen a lot, and it was really frustrating, and quite discouraging.
I discovered something that helped me tremendously in my mlm recruiting efforts. And if you GET IT, then it will help you see that maybe you have been too liberal or not careful enough in your mlm recruiting selection.
Being SELECTIVE in your network marketing recruiting will eliminate a LOT of heartache and frustration and bringing in the wrong people and expecting them to explode, and they only fizzle out. That is tough.
Recruiting Separation
MLM Recruiting has always been and always will be a SEPARATING process: A process that separates the people who are open to a new idea from those who are not. Those are the only two types of folks that exist. Ones that embrace looking new ideas, and ones who resist them. Many times, folks who are CONVINCED to come into the business, but yet are not really sold on the idea of Network Marketing, fizzle out quickly.
And there is a reason why they are like that, and that happens:
It is called PHILOSOPHY.
All MLM recruiting is in a nutshell is looking for folks who are of the same philosophy that we are, and if they are not, make them a customer and get referrals.
Network marketing is a philosophy of personal growth, increase, success, helping others, making a difference, wanting the BEST out of life, and being open to new ideas and cutting-edge thinking.
Most folks are not even close to that, they simply drift through life. Why should it be any different in this mlm business? They simply drift through MLM.
My good friend Richard Brooke, (Mach II with Your Hair on Fire author and CEO of Oxyfresh) says that network marketing is simply Personal Development disguised as a business.
It all boils down to philosophy, and the question is: are you recruiting people that share that same philosophy, or people who really don't?Last 5 People Your Recruited.
Look at the last five people you have recruited.
What have they done? Anything? Are they working diligently? Are they growing? Or are they stagnating, like a pond that has no fresh water in it?
Do they have a philosophy of working hard or hardly working? Do they show up for everything or put down anything? Do they give a good effort or a bad excuse?
You need to start looking for people who have the same focus, desires and philosophy as you:
People who have a focus on the future, not on the past. People who have a focus of increase, not decrease. People who have a desire to grow, not to gripe. People who have a desire to change, not to stagnate. People who really care, not try to con. People who have the philosophy of Win/Win, not When?/When? (CLUE!)
Check out who you are recruiting and ask them one question:
"What is your philosophy about success?"
Their answer will reveal a lot about their chances in this mlm business.
Oh I know, the "throw it up against the wall and see who sticks" crowd will not give a hoot about this article! But it really is a whole lot easier to build a business with folks with the right philosophy, and the right heart. (CLUE!)
Vision Match.
Why do you think the attrition and drop out rate for downlines is so high industry-wide?
It just makes sense to have a "Vision Match" with your new mlm recruit. They share the same Vision as you and a like perspective about success in life.
If you recruit those kinds of folks, you don't have to keep re-building your downline over and over and over.
Are you recruiting the wrong people in MLM? Start looking for the people that want to move ahead and get on in life, and recruit those into Network Marketing.
It will change your whole world, and especially MLM recruiting.
doug firebaugh /(c) 2005/ all rights reserved
PassionFire International
Network Marketing Recruiting Success
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